• Mantova 🪷 The magic of lotus flowers in Lake Superior - The Mincio Natural Park in Mantua holds an extraordinary expanse of lotus flowers - agriturismo.life - Mantova 🪷 The magic of lotus flowers in Lake Superior

Mantova 🪷 The magic of lotus flowers in Lake Superior

Mantova 🪷 The magic of lotus flowers in Lake Superior

The Mincio Natural Park in Mantua holds an extraordinary expanse of lotus flowers

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Agriturismo - Where to stay overnight

The Lago Superiore (Lake Superior) of Mantova, in the heart of the Parco Naturale del Mincio, hides a summer treasure that few know: the wonderful blooming of the lotus flowers. This natural spectacle typical of Japan takes place between the months of July and August, giving visitors an explosion of colors and a unique emotion.

Originally from eastern regions, lotus flowers are roots of aquatic plants belonging to the Nelumbonaceae family. Their large floating leaves emit an intense fragrance and are characterized by a special hydrophobicity: water slides off without wetting them, adding a magical touch to their presence.
The colors of the flowers range from shades of white, yellow, orange, pink, and red, creating a unique chromatic symphony. These lotus flowers, which multiply rapidly, carpet the Lago Superiore, transforming it into a true natural spectacle.

In the East, these aquatic flowers have been associated with chakras, the energy centers of the human body. Thanks to their ability to remain clean and immaculate, they are considered symbols of purity. These plants sink their roots into the mud, symbolizing the human condition with its challenges and difficulties, but they grow towards the water surface, emerging in all their beauty and purity. This symbolizes the hope of achieving inner peace, overcoming the impurities of life.

Legend has it that lotus flowers were introduced to the Lago Superiore (Lake Superior) of Mantova through a romantic love story. A young man of eastern origins is said to have planted the lotus flower seeds after the death of his beloved, in honor of her sweetness. This romantic tale may be the origin of the presence of these flowers in the lake. 

However, the official version attributes the introduction of the lotus flower tubers to the Lago Superiore to Anna Maria Pellegreffi, a natural sciences professor in Parma, back in 1921. Her intention was to use the flour obtained from the rhizomes for food, but she ended up with an extraordinary summer spectacle that fascinates visitors to this day.

You can admire this spectacular bloom by reaching the public park on the side of the square of the sanctuary of Madonna delle Grazie; here, you will find the descent into the curve of the Mincio (known as Lago Superiore), where you come across the extraordinary blooming of lotus flowers. But you can also admire them directly from the water, as river cruises and tourist itineraries are organized in the Parco Naturale del Mincio. Navigating slowly among the reeds, guests can admire rare specimens of flora and fauna before being captivated by the magic of lotus flowers that color the lake.

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